Day: 25 October 2008
Time: 10:58 PM
Mood: Excited!
Who am I? If you are thinking about an ordinary girl who doesn't care about a thing in the world, you are in for a big surprise. Because I'm no ordinary girl! No way.
I'm Koh Wern Chieh from Class 204 and in Xinmin Secondary School. As you can see, even my name is extraordinary. I can bet that there is absolutely no one on Earth who shares the same name as me. I have 2 brothers. Being the only girl in the whole family, I had always been adressed as the rose among the thorns (haha). Someone told me that a middle child never belongs in the family but I had never thought so. My parents treat us all the same without any biasedness.My Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) is Chinese Dance. I had already stated in my profile that I have a passion for Ballet and Chinese Dance. By starting Ballet classes since I was 5 and Chinese Dance classes since I was 7, It's hard to stop a blossoming passion for it.
Since we had touched the topic on Dance, I shall introduce you on how much Dance had affected me both physically and mentally. Whenever I dance, a door would open for me and I would enter a magical world where there is no sound. Therefore, thoughts can only be expressed by actions and steps. I had always felt free when I'm dancing, as if the whole world had stopped just to see and understand me. As for physically, I had grown more muscles (haha)! Also, my stamina had greatly improved due to the many jumps and turns I'm supposed to do in my dance classes. I had this dream of becoming a world famous dancer and thus, I'm working hard to achieve my goal. I even take up extra Chinese Dance classes outside school in the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) to expand my horizons. However, I had no choice but to quit when my father's job faced some problems due to the economic tsunami. Nevertheless, I'm still going to do my best in school and in my Ballet classes. Dance had always helped to distress myself from problems I faced. For example, if I am having a major examination tomorrow, I would dance for a few minutes to calm myself down and distract myself from studies for a few moments.
However, if you think that I'm one who only dance and not study, you are so wrong. The second job that I desire is to become a psychologist. I'm very interested in the way that humans behave and react beased on different situations. Thus, I had did some research on the subjects that are important to Psychology and have taken up these subjects when I'm choosing my subject combinations.
My greatest motivation in my life is no doubt, my father. He is the one who had taught me character values and groom me into who I am now. Whenever I face a problem or any obstacle, I would not hesitate to tell him my problems and I always know that he will be there for me no matter what and he always provide the best advice for me. With his unwavering faith in me, I have learnt not to breach his trust and always put in my best in everything that I do. He is a very filial son to my grandmother and I had always admired that characteristic about him.
I am a very outgoing and sociable person. I would never hesiatate to make friends and laugh out loud. As you can possibly see, I have a very loud nature, always the one to crack a joke and the one who jumps around, finding interesting things to play with. With such a personality, I can not concentrate on things for very long. I would get bored by things easily and would find some other stuffs to entertain myself. Did I mention that I'm a very competitive person? As I always do my best, I would expect myself to achieve the best results. However, even if sometimes, I did not manage to be the best, I would bounce back and face other challenges with optimism. I always reminded myself that I should be enjoying the process of every learning experience instead of the result. Also, I love to perform on stage, be it for my dance or just simply a speech. Being able to perform on stage for dance had allowed me to display my talent in front of the student body and by saying a speech, I can enhance my communication skills.
Despite all the strengths I had stated above, I have some undeniable flaws. Being too 'sociable', I am over talkative and always chat in class when teachers are not looking. You can say that my mouth can't stop moving, actually. And being a girl who can not stop moving, I had always been complained by my friends about how 'over active' I am and I have seriously started to settle down and be more mature.
My best subject is Mathematics. I could possibly get the gene from my father, who is good with numbers as a kid. My worst subject is Art, though. You can say that there is no artistic gene in my whole family (oops).
And a random thing to add about me, I absolutely hate bananas and the colour yellow. I adore red and strawberries! As you can see from my favourite colour, I'm a passionate person who goes for excitement and 'highness'.